Game of Homes – Season 2

In Game of Homes, teams of skilled amateur home renovators compete for the chance to trade their skills for the prize of a lifetime. The teams save rundown houses that are marked to be torn down and revive them into dream homes. Each team must redo the houses room by room, as they cope with small budgets, tight deadlines and even tighter living spaces.

The action-based series pits each team’s skill, ingenuity and teamwork against each other. In the finale, in addition to the judges, the public will cast their vote.

The winning couple each week receives a prize that is theirs to keep. In the dramatic finale, the team whose finished house is voted the best – WINS THEIR HOUSE AND A PLOT OF LAND TO PUT IT ON!

• 5 Channels Tracked
• 5 Tracks Recorded
• 2 Sub Mixes: Two cameras – each following their own talent, and receiving their own mixes to follow story

Sound Devices 788
5 x Lectrosonics SMQVs (Wireless Transmitters)
5 x Cos11 Microphones
5 x Lectrosonics UCR411 Receivers (with programmed userbits to select any of the 16 Wireless Transmitters)
1 x Lectrosonics D4 Transmitter (Wireless to Camera)
2 x Lectrosonics D4 Receiver (Wireless to Camera)
2 x Ambient Time Code Sync Box
2 x IFB
